8November 2009
Well we have had another busy
weekend this weekend, being the Lamb & Calf day.....
But before I tell you about that, I should really up date you on our weekend at the Carterton A&P show, held on the 31st October and 1st November.
We had the opportunity of having a display tent there this year which

we decided to take. So over the week we got all our display gear together and I got photos and information all ready to display in our Marquee. We were also going to show 4 of our animals that we wanted to

put in our display tent, so needed to get them all sorted as well. Friday dawned in a disgraceful way, cold and pouring with rain !! Joy !!
Anyway once over there we had great helpers, John,Bruce, Ivy & Harriet, give us a hand to put the Marquee up in the dry intervals.... once up, I headed back to the Hutt Valley to pick up kids from school and head back over to Carterton and met Greg back at the Camp Ground to settle in for the night.. (we had a cabin, no tenting for me !!)
Saturday dawned a nice day... so off went Greg to feed Abby Rose (who is still on a bottle twice a day) and we followed a bit later. Down at the grounds we sorted the animals and then went to the Marquee to set out all our display stuff. Once sorted, back to the stalls to wait for the showing to begin. Our friends and other breeders, Rod and Harriet Brown had arrived with their crew of moos, McKenzie McMoo and 6th month calf Conal McMoo and McGee McMoo. We bred these guys and Harriet and Rod brought them from us about 18mths ago. Conal is the first calf for McKenzie and a gorgeous boy.
Now, to cut a long story short, Harriet and Rods crew did amazingly in the ring. McKenzie with Conal, became Champion Female Lifestyle Animal and McGee became Champion Male Lifestyle Animal. This meant that both had to go in the ring to compete together to see who was going to be Supreme Champion Lifestyle Animal. The unusual thing here is, that McGee is the Sire of Conal, so it was a family affair in the ring, which is a real rarity to have them all in the ring together.
McKenzie Mcmoo was chosen as the Supreme Champion of Lifestyle.... and then went in the ring with the other winners of the other beef breeds, ie: Simmentals, Red Polls, Herefords etc to compete for the Meat & Wool Cup.... and guess what....She and Conal Won... ya whoo!! Absolutely amazing... I cried, as you do.... !! What a day.
The rest of the weekend was great at the Marquee ... we all thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. Our lovely friends Ivy & Bruce, were absolute treasures and helped with all our background stuff of cleaning and grooming the animals and keeping them all feed and watered. Thanks SO much guys.. you made the weekend so much easier for us.
Right, I will do the next blog on our Lamb and Calf Day.
cheers Lesley