One of our clients, Peter Warmerdam from Mangaroa Valley, recently attended the Levin show, one that we havent managed to go to as yet, but hopefully next year we will.
After a night of rain, Pete started the day at 5.30am feeding dogs, chickens, pigs, ducks and walking puppies before he got to finally sort the moos onto the float. Finally setting off on the road at 7.15 he, arrived at 9 to a wet day in Levin. However by the time the showing got underway the weather cleared to bring a nice day.
Once off the float, he set to cleaning them up abit and getting ready for the ring. The show was well attended and lead to some quite big classes. Pete did really well with his young bull calf, Finnan Mor achieving Reserve Champion Male. Maggie with her bull calf, Rowno at foot got 3rd place in a large class of 9 animals and Ginnie in a class of 8, got 4th. So well done Pete for a great day. I would normally now say, "home to put your feet up until the next show" , but as I know,there is not a lot of time for putting feet up when you have a lifestyle farm, theres always something to do.... so I shall say,"carry on enjoying those lovely moos and see you at the next show".