Hi everyone, I hope you have all made it through winter unscathed. It started out pretty good for us and has ended up in mud soup !! Although its been unusually warm for one of our winters, the last couple of months has been incredibly wet, so hence the mud soup. The grass had a wee burst as soon as it realised Spring had arrived, but has halted again now that it has decided to have another cold wet burst. Oh well, that's what farming is all about isn't it, one eye on the weather forecast, gumboots covered in mud at the back door and hunkering down and doing what is necessary as fast as you can to keep dry.... but we love it don't we ??.
We have been busy feeding out baelage to our guys over winter as a daily task. But its been made quite comical due to our chickens. As part of our team of chickens we have 2 cheeky white ones. We have nicknamed them Speckles and Whitey... I know, very uninspiring names, but one has a solid white body and the other one has white and speckles.... !! Anyway, they both seem to think that apart from just laying eggs for us, they should help feed out to the cows as well. They just look hilarious. If Gregs feeding out, I am usually in my office and can look out my window and watch Greg walking along with the Baelage trolley with one or both of the chickens running as fast as their little legs will take them, with a waddle as well in there, right behind Greg, all the way to where he is feeding out and that can sometimes be quite away. I just sit and giggle. :O) they are full of such importance... x
Our babies have started to arrive which is always exciting. Will it be a boy or a girl and what colour is he or she. At Lumonte McMoos, we have had one boy and 3 girls so far. All of them have new homes now so once they are old enough to be weaned I will be into the training routine again which I always enjoy. One of our other McMoo breeders has had a dun girl and a red girl, so girls seem to be the flavour of the season so far.
We always love to get photos and news on how our wee ones have been getting along in their new home. One of my special girls from last year Scarlett has just turned one and look at her now...her new mum has just sent me this photo. (see above).
I will leave you here and go out and shift the moos to new paddocks....they look like they want a change. I wonder if Whitey and Speckles will help me with that ? most likely !
I hope the sun is shining at your place
until next time.
have fun
cheers Lesley
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Truely Majestic !!
I have attached the photos of our new baby float. I call it the moo caravan..!! not sure if Greg is so keen on that name, but that's what it feels like when driving with them in it. Sitting in the drivers seat, you look into the rear vision mirror, and
guess who is looking back at you...yes, its the moos. It is hilarious. Honestly I am a bit worried that we will get so transfixed on looking at them, rather than the road !!
Talking about hilarious sights, I decided to do the harrowing of the front paddock with Gertie. Now Gertie isnt a cow or a goat or any four legged character, its our four wheeled old hack.. range rover. What a trouper she is. So I hawled on the harrow and off Cooper and I went..... well I tell you, I was
very pleased I was wearing a sports bra (I guess a few of you would rather not know that ).. but boy oh boy, Cooper and I had a rather bumpy ride. At one point, I stopped to check something, left my door open, then got back in and realised Cooper had decided enough was enough, and had left the building so to speak.
He just took off, no where to be seen. !! I did have to laugh and then carried on Solo !!
Well I had better rattle my daggs and get some dinner sorted... the sun is going down and things are cooling down... certainly a sign its Autumn and not summer anymore. until next time... Les x
Friday, March 30, 2012
The last day of March 2012
Well daylight saving is about to end. In come the cooler days and nights getting darker. Although in saying that, the weather certainly hasn't got colder... its just gorgeous out there. I am a lover of Spring and Autumn. They are my favourite seasons, so I am a happy chappy at the moment.
Its been a busy few months. We've done a lot of travelling delivering moos to new homes and still have a few more to do in the coming months. Although always sad to see our babies leave home, especially having got to know them so well with all the training, its also really lovely meeting the people who have bought them and to help them all (humans and moos).. in the settling in process. Very often we haven't personaly met the new owners, as we have got to know each other by email and phone, which of course with the internet and emails, makes it all very easy these days. But in saying that too, we have had quite a few new owners pop in and met the gang and got to know them with brushes and treats. Which of course they all lap up, to their hearts content... the moos that is, but of course the humans love it too.
Greg has been busy on a trailer project. We have the big bull float we use to transport the moos around most of the time...but decided for some trips it would be great to have a smaller float. So Greg has adapted our 'normal' trailer (an old army trailer) into a small float. Its really great as we can take the top off and it will then again be a normal trailer. He is just on the finishing touches and we have just received the signage to stick on the sides and back and at this stage, we are hoping to use it for our trip to the middle of the Island on Thursday. We are going to do a test run during the week to just make sure McPhee and Scarlett are happy with it!. They are the two who be in it for the maiden run. I'll post some photos of it once its all complete.
I shall sign off now as I feel its time for a celebratory glass of wine to celebrate the end of another gorgeous day..well any excuse I reckon, for a nice wee glass of wine at the end of a day.
I will make sure I write a lot sooner next time. My apologies for the big gap... x
cheers for now, Lesley
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About Me

- Greg & Lesley
- Upper Hutt, Wellington, New Zealand
- Breeders of friendly "true type Highlands"
We all did really well !!
The winners
Meat & Wool Cup Winners