I have attached the photos of our new baby float. I call it the moo caravan..!! not sure if Greg is so keen on that name, but that's what it feels like when driving with them in it. Sitting in the drivers seat, you look into the rear vision mirror, and
guess who is looking back at you...yes, its the moos. It is hilarious. Honestly I am a bit worried that we will get so transfixed on looking at them, rather than the road !!
Talking about hilarious sights, I decided to do the harrowing of the front paddock with Gertie. Now Gertie isnt a cow or a goat or any four legged character, its our four wheeled old hack.. range rover. What a trouper she is. So I hawled on the harrow and off Cooper and I went..... well I tell you, I was
very pleased I was wearing a sports bra (I guess a few of you would rather not know that ).. but boy oh boy, Cooper and I had a rather bumpy ride. At one point, I stopped to check something, left my door open, then got back in and realised Cooper had decided enough was enough, and had left the building so to speak.
He just took off, no where to be seen. !! I did have to laugh and then carried on Solo !!
Well I had better rattle my daggs and get some dinner sorted... the sun is going down and things are cooling down... certainly a sign its Autumn and not summer anymore. until next time... Les x